As old as Methuselah - Стар как Мафусаил
Methuselah, a Hebrew patriarch, the grandfather of Noah, is known as the oldest man mentioned in the Bible, his age being stated in the Book of Genesis as 969 years. He died in the year of the Flood. Now the phrase is used to denote any very old person.
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Мафусаил прожил 969 лет?
Well, I somehow doubt it. It’s a bit too
long, isn’t it? Though I’m going to live until I am at least a hundred. My grandfather
died at 97 and father at 99.
Я вижу, в рамках своей семьи вы уже решили проблему долголетия. Я бы тоже хотел прожить не менее
ста лет. Но 969 — этого, конечно, не может быть. Неужели составители библии не понимали этого?
The original writers might have had in
mind a period different from the year of
365 days.
В самом деле. Мне это просто не приходило в голову.